
Monday, January 14, 2019

(Probably) the last all the posts: January 7 - 13, 2019

Last week, Dean wrote the last post for Dean and Mindy go to church. The week before, he wrote the last post for Dean and Mindy walk into a bar. For us, it's the end of a very fun era.

What now?

Here's what we expect to be doing over the next few months. During January and February, we hope to make it easier for you to find old material by bringing all of it here to Dean and Mindy. While I'm working on that, Dean's getting ready to launch in March, where he'll be looking at churches and clergy in television episodes -- along with some surprises (like these guest posts). We hope you'll like it.

Meanwhile, Movie Churches will be continuing. Did you know that the first dozen posts were at Dean and Mindy go to church (and they didn't have steeple ratings yet?) We're slowly moving those posts over to Movie Churches with a little bit of updating, so you should be seeing quite a bit of activity over there during the next couple of months.

So keep checking back here and at Movie Churches over the next month or so! We'll be polishing up some old material that you might have missed when we first posted it, and Dean will have new reviews at Movie Churches every Friday (and occasionally more often).

But just for old times' sake, one last time, here are all the posts from the past week:

Dean's last word on going to church

Movie Churches is uncertain

A look back at the very first movie church (which was also a TV church)

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